Images are being taken from my blog and being used without my permission. Until I can figure out a way to protect my own images, I will not be posting any more of my photography. I really love sharing things that I learn, with people who are trying to improve their own photography. Unfortunately there are always a few that like to ruin things for everyone. It is not cool to take pictures off of people's blogs and use them for your own personal use. Not cool people. It is stealing. Very simple. I hope I can get things more secure soon.
I hate to quit sharing.
Who is stealing?
Just create a watermark graphic in Photoshop and lay it over each photo with the opacity at about 50% so you can still see the photo. Eh?
Ugh Kati! That stinks! How did you find out? I put a watermark over all of my pics. I noticed some of yours have one and some do not. Did that make a difference? (Were the wm or the non-wm pics stolen?) And used for WHAT!? Sheesh! Wat is wrong with people?
Very uncool!! Sorry that is happening to you. How did you find out?
If I was going to steal beautiful pictures from someone and call them my own I would totaly steal your pictures :) that is how talented I think you are! Hope you figure out a solution!
Wow, I'm curious too- who's stealing and how did you find out?
That stinks! Here's for a watermark just below the chin!
Really? How did you find that out and who is doing it??? That stinks and I'm bummed for you and for me because I love all your pics and tips!!
That is the pits...I can't believe that...I am sorry, hopefully you can find a way to prevent that from happening! I look forward to all the great photos you will be able to share when you get it all situated...Good luck with it!!!
I'm so sorry that is happening!! I love reading your blog and using your ideas on how to make my pictures better.
good luck.
OK, so that totally sucks because I haven't been able to see Jen's pics yet. So sad!
What is wrong with these people??
I'm sorry. It's not me...I promise.
How do people steal your images? And for what purpose? I am so sad!
Kati, I'm sorry to hear this. I have learned a lot from this blog. I found myself reading your blog and the next day trying your ideas. This is for those who have stolen from your blog...
We don’t expect to take freely work from our doctors, lawyers, plumbers, electricians, mechanics, or others whose work we value and honor with compensation. We expect to pay them. And if we don’t, the collectors will come after us.
Thanks everyone for all the comments. I don't mind people using any images as long as I know and they let me know. I love it when I take pictures for people and they want to put them on their own blog. That is, after all why I do it. I don't charge people when I take pictures for them, and the images I take are theirs to keep. Images of my own kids were taken without my consent or knowing and put on a blog. I found out through a few different people. I am working on making the images more secure. I am so glad to hear that people are enjoying the blog and I will do everything I can to get it back going....
I have often wondered/worried about that same thing... I'm curious as to what you will do as a solution. I hope you will share that, too. And I hope you get things back up and running soon. I love your blog and learning more all the time.
Kati I am so glad you found the source! That had to be the worst part not knowing when it involves your kids! Your blog is the highlight of my day! I always check to see if you have new ideas to share. I did want to tell you that I have used some of your poses in the pictures I take of my family and kids. I hope that is ok if not please let me know. I would never want to take advantage of your willingness to share with all of us!
sorry to hear this...i hope you are back soon! i enjoyed your tips and advice. i guess i should think about doing the watermark thing too...hhmmm?
PLEASE keep me on your list if you go private! I loved all your tips & ideas about manual, lighting,
Sorry to hear that someone was using images of your OWN family- That's too weird! Thanks again for all of your inspiration!
With the holidays I was just taking some time to try to master my camera and came to your website to read over your tips. So sorry to find you down! Please let me know if you go private and include me please! And then maybe I can take pictures like you someday. Take care my friend.
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