Friday, February 20, 2009

My Baby Girl...

The Hubs and I didn't really do a great job with the whole planning of the births. February is a busy birthday month for us. Mine falls on the 3rd, My daughter the 6th and my son, on the 9th. We celebrate the whole first half of February with cake, parties, eating out, etc, etc. By Valentines Day no one really cares about the sweets! This time of year is difficult for photography because Utah isn't really all that beautiful in the late winter. The snow is dirty and everything is brown. I was still determined to get some shots of my 3 year I had to figure out how to work with what we've got! I knew the surroundings would be brown so I thought brown and pink would be a flattering fit.

I think it brightened things up a bit without taking the focus off of my birthday subject. I wanted to keep things simple and sweet. Just like my baby girl.

Wardrobe is another aspect of photography that is very important. Here are some online resources to help you with your wardrobe selections when taking or getting family portraits done...

For traditional ideas of what to wear...

For a more Urban look...

Today's styles are bright colors and funky layers. I love this look and think it is so fun! It is another thing that I wonder about though. While it is popular now...will we look back and wonder "What were we thinking?" I tend to dress my own kids in classic styles. I guess I am a little boring. I think the most important thing is that you are dressed nice, well groomed and the outfit matches your surroundings. Yes, wardrobe is definitely something I think mothers spend the most time thinking about! Photographers too! I think every photographer secretly hopes to have that perfectly dressed family while arriving to their session. It makes their job easier and so much more enjoyable if they don't have to worry about their subject's appearance.


Anonymous said...

I love these colors! Happy Birthday to everyone!

kimber said...

Oh oh oh oh oh! Those pictures...they are deLICious.

Becky said...

Those are absolutely precious!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful photographs.

jenn said...

Seriously, that girl couldn't be cuter. She belongs in a magazine. Amazing pics as usual, my friend!

Pam Price said...

Seriously, super cute girl you have! And a fabulous sense of style YOU have, dressing her up! So cute. No, you can't tell at all that your daughter has posed for many a picture ;) She has the right look and pose for every picture! Plus, it doesn't hurt that her mom has a great eye for photography! Love the colors! Great job.

Blythe said...

Your daughter is darling and your photos are amazing! Well done as always!

food for two said...

Thanks great posst