Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Failed Session....

We took the kids to Thanksgiving Point last night to see the tulips. The tulip festival may be over...but the flowers are still in full bloom. We rented a golf cart and went on our way. My one goal? To get ONE...(and only needed ONE) really great picture of the three kids together. With my 10 year old's "tween" mood swings, my 7 year old's fake smile and my darling 3 year old's temper tantrums...we left, after 2 hours, with NOTHING! And, I really mean nothing.

Do you think my mother in law would like this picture of flowers instead of her grumpy grandchildren for Mother's Day? Ha!

If you haven't been to see the tulips....PLEASE go. You won't be sorry. As for Mother's Day presents? Not sure what to do now. But...I got my present early...a new tripod! So excited to try it out.

As for Thanksgiving is a fantastic location for sessions. It is a bit pricey for bridal portraits, but well worth it in my opinion. There are so many different options for backgrounds, making it look like you have driven all over to get different looks. I have a season pass for myself, which gets my kids and anyone else with me, in for 1/2 price. So, our trip to the gardens last night only cost $11 for our whole family. {Excluding the golf cart}. Not a bad price for a fun night out with the family. {Not sure FUN was the right word there}. We may just have to do it again tonight to try to get that one good picture. Wish me luck!


Sharon said...

Kati, I just wanted to let you know that you have amazing talent! I was directed to your blog from those adorable pictures you took of baby Hazel. Issac's cousin Carly is a family member of mine. My husband and I are adopting through LDSFS and Carly thought I should hear Issac and Sara's story. What an amazing story it is. And you captured it so beautifully. You have quite the eye for photography and I have learned so much reading your tips on your blog. I just got my first DSLR a few months ago and I'm slowly learning how to use it. I have learned so much from you. Thank you. :)

Sharon said...

Oh, and even though you didn't get a good pic of your kiddos tonight, that tulip picture is gorgeous! I have never been to Thanksgiving Point. I will have to go check it out! Good luck on getting a pic of the kiddos soon! :)

jenn said...

I've just given in to the reality that it's impossible to get a great picture of your own kids together. They just don't want to cooperate for Mom!

The tulips were amazing though. Glad you had a sort of fun night with the fam.

Marcie said...

Laughing at this post, because I took my kids on Wed. after school for the same reason....trying to get good picture for Mother's day cards. Wait till you see mine :) I was dealing with the same issues.

The golf carts were all gone, we were sad. But it sure did wear out the kids. Alice slept until 11:15 the next morning.

p.s. Why did it cost you anything if you have a pass?

Kati said...

Marcie...I only have a pass for me. I didn't buy a family pass. I figured it was cheaper to just pay for my boys at 1/2 price (since Haleigh was still free last year)rather than buy a family pass. We don't go enough to justify the cost for the whole family pass. It works out well for us...

The Gunnerson Family said...

Sorry the pics of the kids didn't work out, but the tulips are beautiful. I should take Rick there, he served his mission in The Netherlands and loves tulips.

Thanks SO much for the answers to my questions. I especially love this post where you showed the difference between the picture you took and how it looks a little doctored up. Just those tiny changes really made a big difference. I may have to give photoshop a try (although one more thing to try to learn/do in my life seems overwhelming!).

Thanks again.

Camera Shooting Tips said...

there are some great photos on your blog - you should not be surprised that people keep asking you to do paid shots!

keep posting - you are defo one to bookmark!

Clarence P said...

Interesting thoughts, I really enjoyed your blog.