Let your kids pose themselves! Haleigh loves this pose.
Show the details of the morning. Maybe you could take a picture of their breakfast choice. I always make my kids what ever they want on the first day of school. That usually means making 3 different things. I will definitely take a picture of that! Mostly just to document things like that so one day I can prove to my kids that I was a good mom! Take pictures of backpacks, lunch boxes, new shoes, the bus stop line, kids walking onto the bus...and if you are a psycho mom like me, follow the bus and take pictures of them getting off the bus and heading into school. I try to take pictures of the kids inside their classroom...but my boys are getting a little older and I know there is NO WAY I will get away with that one this year. You know, having a big 5th grader and all.
The point...is to make sure the morning is documented and FUN! One thing my mom did was take a picture in the same exact place. Every. Single. Year. It was in our front yard in front of a pine tree. It is fun to look back at all the pictures. Not only did we grow...but so did that tree. It started as a small little twig and by high school...it was huge!
Good luck this week! Happy for some. Just something we gotta do for others.
My baby went to Junior High this morning!
And he rode his bike!
Wouldn't even let me take him!
What the??!!
Or course you wrote her name on her bag artistically and perfectly. Why is she not in my class!!!???
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