Friday, November 30, 2012

Things have been a bit crazy as I have been trying to get this whole photography business going. Doesn't help the business side of things that I started right at the busiest time of year for photographers. Blog, website, and pretty much any kind of marketing has taken a back seat to actually doing the fun part...actually taking pictures! 

My new blog can be found at

I will not be posting here anymore, but will leave up all the tutorials and photography tips and tricks. 
Please come and follow me over at my new place, too because I will be posting tips over there as well. The new blog is still under construction. I'm not all that technologically-savvy. But, I am trying. 

See you soon! 


Rachel said...

this is seriously the CUTEST photo! and how is your waist sooo tiny!?

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Amazing... <3
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