Saturday, October 2, 2010

A perfect End....

Tonight's picture was a perfect ending to a perfect day. Have you tried a silhouette picture yet? I think our days are getting numbered. Today's weather was a little too perfect for being October 2. The sun is setting earlier and earlier. The days are shorter than I like, and as soon as that sun goes down the chill in the air hits fast. (even though temps were high today!) This week should be a perfect time to get those silhouette pictures...storms are rolling in meaning there will be some fantastic clouds. Unlike the picture above...there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. Clouds make those silhouette shots absolutely magnificent! Best time to take the picture is just before the sun sets. Find a locations that will put your subject on the same plane as the sun. For this shot I had the kids up on the hill. The sun was just going behind the mountains. 
Don't be afraid to put your camera in manual mode. 
 These are the settings I used in manual mode...

ISO 100
SS 1/1000

I'm going to be trying again this week if the clouds are out and weather permits. :) 
If you happen to try it as well...please share! 


jenn said...

THIS is magnificent! I love the way it even captures your kids personalities!

Amy said...

OH man I've got to figure that out. That is an awesome picture.