Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to make your own digital papers!

I have a list a mile long of things I SHOULD be doing...but why would I do those things? I have been wanting to share some kind of useful information for quite sometime hopefully this will be something you will find very fun and useful!

Let's make our very own digital scrapbook paper...shall we?

I will try to make this super simple and it should work for any kind of Photoshop...including elements! First....go HERE and download Alexis Miller's FREE, ADORABLE Valentine brush set. Thanks Alexis! Save it to your computer and Open up your version on photoshop.

Once photoshop is up and running, click on File...New (control N) and a box pops up like the one above. Since we are making a digital paper, I chose the size 12 inches by 12 inches at resolution 300 pixels/inch. Make sure your width and height are in inches. For this project, I am going to leave my paper white.
So, click on the brush tool and find the ladybug in your brush pallet. It will most likely be the last brush since it is the most recent one you have loaded. Click on the ladybug and now you are ready to stamp it on your paper.

Using the [ or ] key will change the size of your ladybug. At this point, you are just going to keep stamping them all over your page using a triangle method. I am not sure what this is technically called, but a really amazing scrapbooking friend of mine (hi Blythe) taught me this trick. When you are stamping, scrapbooking, even decorating your Christmas tree, use this method of proper spacing that will make it look pleasing to the eye. See how every single ladybug can be connected to another as a triangle? Don't feel bad about cutting the ladybug off to make it look right. Hoping this makes sense?

At this point...I wanted to color the body in with red. So...go over to your color pallet and choose a red that you like. Then, using the paint bucket tool, just fill in each body.

Finished product! Super, super easy and made my own FREE digital scrapbook paper in less than 5 minutes. Hopefully this tutorial is easy enough to follow...but if you have any questions, please contact me and I will help you the best I can. Just think of all the possibilities you can do! There are SO many free brushes out there! Have fun creating! If you end up making your own paper, link us to your website and show it off! Easy Peasy...Right?
Here is a quick and simple example of how I used the paper. We call our daughter "Haleigh-Bug" or sometimes just "Bug-Bug" So, ladybugs are always fitting for her :)

Simple, simple design and layout. Doesn't get any easier or CHEAPER than this! Total cost for this page? $0!

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